Thursday, September 29, 2011

Getting Ready

As we walked up the beach to HAC, we could see the preparations for our ceremony going on,.  Rocio was there, overseeing the set up of the arch.  The coral fabric I requested looked perfect, and it was so surreal to see it all going on knowing it was for us. 

The cabana next to Lol Ha was surrounded by yellow caution tape, and it was entirely covered with white draping, hiding whatever was inside from view.  I wasn't sure that was for us, and figured it wasn't.  We walked back to room 132 in the bungalows in back of the main hotel.  Rocio arrived a few minutes later with Nora to do my hair and makeup.  We sent Tim out to check on the sound system and to see if there was anything else that needed addressing.  After he came back, he dressed for the ceremony, and we women sent him out so that I could get ready without him seeing the dress, which had been a carefully guarded secret for about six months now. 

He went out to the beach to watch for the photographer from Blue Lens Caribe, to discuss what we wanted in the way of video and pictures.  The night before we had walked the property and beach to decide how I was to walk, timed it to the music, and then decided on a path for me to take to get to the point further down the beach without being seen.  We found a pathway that ran alongside the HAC pool, that had a hedgerow leading to Buddha Gardens Spa.  Beyond the spa was a grove of palm and coconut trees.  It was like a forest, and so beautiful.  So, when Mirko from Blue Lens arrived, Tim walked him to the path, showed him how he wanted it recorded, and then brought him into meet with me. 

All the activity was so much fun, and felt weird for me to be called the bride.  Strangely enough, we both felt nervous, as if we were really getting married for the first time.  You would think after 28 years together the excitement wouldn't be the same, but, in an odd way we were more excited and nervous than the first time.  Our first wedding day was very different.  It was Friday the 13th, so, that was bad for a start.  We had planned to be married on the 14th, but, our plans fell through, and we were pushed to the 13th.   We were so poor, I bought a $75 dress in the mall, and gave up on the dream dress I had always expected I would have when I got married.  We had no photographer, he backed out at the last minute, teaches me never to hire family for an important occasion.  Our wedding pictures consisted of some snapshots on an old instamatic camera, remember those?  My flowers were silk, it was all I could afford, and the florist that made them did a poor job, nothing like what I had picked out of the catalog.  Still, all in all, it was the best we could do, and in the end we were married either way.  This time everything was what we wanted, the dress, the flowers, and a real photographer.  Finally, we could have a formal portrait to hang on our wall. 

Tim had gone down to the beach to wait for the ceremony to begin.  Rocio came in with my bouquet and I couldn't believe how beautiful it was.  This was really my bouquet.  Then she and Nora helped me into my dress, complete with the lacing that took the longest to get just right.  We were being called for, and I didn't even take a second to look in the mirror.  Kind of wish I had, but, ah well, I determined long before that I would just let go and not fuss over things.  My hair and makeup were in Nora's hands, and I trusted that she had done a good job of it.  After all, Im 51 years old, what did I really expect?  I was not going to look 24 again, so, I let it go. 

As I came out the door the photographer, his assistant and the videographer were waiting.  They immediately started taking pictures and video, and giving me instructions, turn this way, walk forward, it was so much fun. 

We made our way to the hedgerow, and stopped a few times for poses.   Tim was watching for me to appear at the spot on the beach that Mirko called the corner.  There is a large log imbedded in the sand.  We had timed the music to know where I should begin my walk to end when the music ends.   Bart must have sensed how nervous he was, and said, don't worry, she'll show up.  We love Bart.  Then, as I walked through the palm grove, Tim spotted me.  He said I looked like an angel floating through the trees.  I kind of felt like that, too.  As I approached the opening to the beach, Mirko asked where I was going to be stopping, and I said, right at that log where that group of people are sitting.  He looked concerned about them being in the shot, and I said, don't worry, as soon as they see me coming, they'll move.  I guess he didn't trust that, and just walked up to them, said something, and they collectively looked my way as I walked out of the grove.  They stood up with a start and quickly moved out of the way.  It was kind of funny.

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